that don't warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files are best listened to with the eyes closed !
the layout is done with the internet explorer text size setting at largest and with a zoom of 125%, and my text rendering is done for these settings though they should be somewhat tolerant
of a zoom setting or two up or down
beer used to be part of the english meal
molecule “ handedness ” in one form of thalidomoide was responsible for the birth defects, while the orientation of molecules in another form did not appear to have the negative effects.
waste of time
it also has no existance apart from (no existance apart from the process.....)
i don't think the heirophant speeches work and how can they, being so wrong minded ! don't end up like jeff foster who has become quite crazy in a not good way ! i think the first heirophant verse works, but the others don't, sorta like a copy of geothe's faust part two that doesn't come off !
i am a fellow hyperlexic, not much i haven't read or know of and herodotus was new to me !
syphilis was a scourge for 500 years and suddenly it ended
and what might appear promiscuous and casual attitudes to relationships in sex amongst today's young people is probably more the norm for humans historically
my own reading is attitudes were alot freer before syphilis
i thought you might be interested in the following research or you might have already seen it
which warns against septic shock from pancreatic digestive enzymes breaching the mucosal barrier in the small intestine
i guess this is a potential issue for peptizyde to be a problem in people with
such a breached mucosal barrier !
the study says that bacterial toxins can thin and breach this layer !
i noticed that you or cindy removed a comment of mine on your facebook page
recommending peptizyde for norovrius, i wondered why, then the next day this research turned up !
i do think that no fenol has the ability to unlock anti bacterial compounds in
dark skinned fruit like gooseberries and blueberries provide they are cooked
slightly or a bit which also pasturizes all the yeast spores !
hope this finds you well, i am in excellent health, no doubt due to my copious
use of your enzymes, but also i am finding that reducing my iron levels through
blood donation is like a miracle cure and to be recommended for most older people !
my write up !
This is what I sent her:
“ First, the article's main point is that pancreatic enzymes which are constantly released into the small intestine, are the culprit. Because they are presented in a concentrated fashion (and pancreatic enzymes are much stronger than plant enzymes) they can pose a problem if severely damaged tissue is present. Second, the article emphasizes that what is surprising is that it is the pancreatic enzymes, not bacteria, that is the culprit; which is why antibiotics weren't helping much. Third, enzyme supplements do the bulk of their work in the stomach. By the time they enter the gut, they have been diluted by the food mass so they are not a concentrated bolus. Also, since most fungal proteases pH optimum is in the range of 2- 5, the higher pH in the gut lessens their ability to do work.
So, the bottom line of the article is not "Don't take enzymes", but rather, "Huh, pancreatic enzymes are the culprit in severely damaged (bleeding, perforated, etc.) gut. Maybe we should try blocking the action of pancreatic enzymes to better control the situation. ”
Of course, we have always stressed that if one has active, bleeding ulcers or serious bowel disease with such that protease enzymes should be avoided. And certainly one who has severe organ failure and bowel perforations would not be taking enzymes or other supplements, I would think!
I am pleased that you are well. I just turned X (ed. age removed for web security reasons !) and am also well, though I should exercise more and eat healthier food! Oh, well, I am relying on genetics to keep me going!
Blood donation is good, and I am sure yours is exceptionally beneficial. I am not one for iron-fortified foods, we get plenty in our diet. Iron is also involved in several oxidative reactions that produce free radicals such as superoxide anion, which do tremendous damage to cell membranes via lipid peroxidation
We are dealing with our fourth consecutive mild winter here in Arkansas. Last summer was so hot we barely got a couple of kilos of tomatoes. This after planting 2 dozen heirloom plants! Pollen becomes sterile above 35 C and we had temps much higher than that for most of the summer. I'm hoping it is milder this year, but not counting on it
Took my mother to a family reunion in the wilds of northwest Virginia last August. Met an elderly couple who had a no-till garden that was unbelievable! Huge tomatoes produced on well-pruned, staked vines. Herbs galore. Varieties of squash and corn. I was so envious! My wife and I actually told the couple we would buy their house whenever they wished to sell! Their climate is much milder than ours, I wouldn't mind moving
You are correct about No-Fenol. Many polyphenolic compounds in fruits and veggies are glycosylated during their production in the plant. This is referred to as the glycone form, and simply means that some kind of sugar group has been attached. However, we are not able to absorb the glycone form, so we have enzymes that remove the sugar group producing the aglycone form, which is absorbable. The aglycone form is also usually the bio-active form as well
No-Fenol, and mainly the xylanase enzyme in it, has very interesting properties. I think there are undocumented side enzyme activities in the xylanase blend we use that contribute to many of the benefits we hear about
Good to hear from you, my friend. Always a pleasure to hear from another free thinker!
Devin Houston
and they are not appreciated for the benefit they confer !
a gift of genuine insight; that my song
with star-like virtue in it's place may shine,
shedding benignant influence, and secure
itself from all malevolent effect
of those mutations that extend their sway
throughout the nether sphere !
it's not just those two but the endocrinal disruption in utero of femto to pico molar sensitive hormones is the biggest threat facing the human race !
you're just an arrogant stupid arsehole !
well i suppose that's what you are doing in zen !
there's very few people in zen who get true dai kenshos so basically they don't/won't understand what i have just said or pretend, but true dai kensho changes belief into experience and true understanding and the world shows itself for what it is, a card game , masque, sitcom/tragedy !
the actors don't like to be told they are acting !
the other problem is that dai kensho is just really the beginning, i had dai kehsho at age about 7, then at 30 and then recently a year ago, the last one was very subtle, but was a definite different level
basically it's all my life has been about and until about 6 years ago i lived celibate being very autistic
i just look at all these people who are playing at zen, so up themselves and lacking any sort of humility at all.............................
i got kicked out of everywhere in zen...............
that's just the way it is, the inauthentic rejects the authentic, that's why they are inauthentic
anyway don't get hung up on experiences, just forget about them, they happen in their own way and time and providing them is provenance of infinity and not your problem
it's the work of a lifetime and the best advice i can give is to pay attention to health cause unless the brain is active and working well and your health reasonably up to par, it's all too depressing and hopeless !
and spend time with natural scenery when time permits !
truth (which changes)
is that it is that thing or act or
belief which the crowd
this is counter-intuitive to our local experience of life !
i think you are basically reducing the gut bacterial count right down, and no fenol used in conjunction with a slightly cooked phenolic fruit like gooseberries (i have a shrub i continually picked off !) releases anti-bacterials !
pasturized (57 to 62C) neat, fresh, your own hand squeezed lemon juice from quality lemons is also helpful, but keep away from the enzymes as it is acidic !
i actually squeeze the lemons in my hand and not on a juicer as this minimizes the amount of integument in the juice, as i find the integument is hard on the gut lining !
garden grown lemons not at risk of any lead in the soil i find best : o)
lemon trees and presumably all citrus uptake lead into the fruit quite well
ok, there is a complication ! this research warns against septic shock from pancreatic digestive enzymes breaching the mucosal barrier in the small intestine, so i think peptizyde doing the same is a distinct possibility, and to some extent zyme prime because it also has a (smaller) quantity of proteases in !
bacterial toxins can degrade the mucosal barrier, so for any gut condition this is potentially an issue, but i think on balance what i proposed above is effective, especially the use of no phenol with gooseberries
however the use of peptizyde is more problematic and possibly zyme prime, so i am withdrawing any recommendation of the use of enzymes with norovirus and it's just a description of what i have done, like alot of things there's pros and cons and our base condition is very important and one has to work out for oneself what works and what could be dangerous !
they can't hack it in the real world and just want to masturbate in their closed fakeness !
this kozandaishi is into the trance scene and likely a drug user imo, adam, if you read this please think about what your audience is and who you are favouring, drug addicts and schizophrenics !
is this what you are throwing your life away on?
kozandaishi posts
andrew levin – you’re the biggest ass hat posting on this site bar none. what a pompous, arrogant 7th patriarch you are. please give your ego a rest.
jundo cohen replies
kozan … might i suggest maintaining civil and soft speech, even when offering a justified, strong and direct criticism?
gassho, jundo
my reply (comment not passed)
lol, you (jundo) have improved from the days when brad still had an uncensored blog !
why not do a blog post about yourself and life, you don’t quite make sense, what are you doing in japan, do you have a family, and maybe a few gripes about nishijma since mike cross seems to be going full bore on the subject?
so real stuff about how you live, the problems of being a westerner lving in japan and that sort of thing, rather intriguing to us in the west i think !
i think i have improved to, people are negative about the web and social skills, but if you use it the right way i think it does offer something
in a nutshell, each post you write should teach you something and at the end of it you should be a slightly different person
nevermind replies
lol. how, jundo, aside from your good grace, is the criticism justified?
my reply to kozandaishi
(comment not passed)
Yeah it’s tough being enlightened in a misguided world :o)
all that sitting seems to have left you a bit lacking in expressive skills?
funnily enough ass hat echoes some words in a poem i wrote
what has zen done to you that the best you can do is yell from the sidelines behind a mask ?
daishi indeed, you are neither silent nor illuminated !
you guys don’t seem to get it, buddha defends his own, if you are doing real work the words and skills will come and you will be confident to defend your view point rather than screaming like spoiled disappointed children : o)
my reply (comment not passed)
kozan daishi
recognise this ?
that’s what your state of attention is like?
you are only pulling the wool over your own eyes mate !
he seems abit stuck behind the times, you can do all that and way more with computer software now !
you can do all that with computer software now ! move with the times simon ! look at the pc world !
in a nutshell, each post you write should teach you something and at the end of it you should be a slightly different person : o)
buddha defends his own,
if you are doing real work
the words and skills will come
and you will be confident
to defend your view point
rather than screaming
like spoiled disappointed children :o)
“ i walked miles through the city and saw nothing
as a giant claw ate at my stomach ”
than writing the original,
unfortunately it gets overwhelmed by that
and is intrinsic
so that translations are always,
or at least
mostly unsatisfactory,
though at their best
they can transcend : 0 )
than writing the original,
unfortunately it gets overwhelmed by that
and is intrinsic
so that translations are always,
or at least
mostly unsatisfactory,
though at their best
they can transcend :o)
none of the zen teachers are even slightly suited to what they are doing !
but generally, everything, i can't think of an exception !
they are really mentally ill, you can tell them, but because they are mentally ill, it doesn't make any difference
that's the nature of being mentally ill !
again it's great you have replied ! it's such a positive step that, life is nothing but
a trail of error and being able to reply to criticism that hurts is so far
ahead of the pack, that one leaves the pack
the nature of the absolute is you cannot make meaning of it, this stuff about absolute and relative is prattle !
it's so hard for people to let go of this perceived necessity of coherence and sense
the absolute went out for a walk with a relative, crossed the bounds of incestuous indeterminacy and was left with a consanguative :o)
you write “ be well ” !
do you mean this ?
a further reply to hilbert who seems completely unable to deal with anything that makes him think !
what i meant by querying your be well which i assume is some sort of american glad handling phrase as it's not used here in australasia
is really it's fake nonsense and having had some health issues over the years you need to pay attention to diet and supplements and in fact am the author of the biofilm carbohydrate diet which i linked to
you obviously made no attempt to understand or read the link, like even 5 minutes and that's where your zen has stopped, overly minimal and worth worth a cent actually, however the norm in this game is pretending and you are no worse than the rest !
ed. hilbert is 67 ! if i had known i would have saved my breath !
ok, i've just twigged you are 67, as we get older our mistakes fossilize..............
28F/-2C is cold, like you i gaze at the stars............
“ this morning i sat outside in our courtyard looking at the stars. it was 28 degrees. not bad as i was wearing a robe and my running tights. with each breath thoughts arose. i considered the bataan memorial death march and whether i would finish it. i considered the few dirty dishes in our sink. i considered the coffee brewing in our kitchen. and so on. a shooting star caught the corner of my eye. that speck, caught in our atmosphere, flamed out and i was reminded of my age. we each will flame out at some time. i was reminded of a conversation i had yesterday at the café in mesilla. my friend told me his neighbor had died in his sleep a few days ago. he was 68. i will be 67 next month. it seems as we age we hear such stories and, like the shooting star, we are reminded
of the brief time we have in awareness ”
if there's more to zen, i don't know it...........
david barnhill's translation (page 4) alongside
satori ya kyō wa
hana ni someoku
iro nakari
satori--this very day--
it would not exist
had my own color
not been dyed by blossoms
/ had color not been dyed by blossoms (literal)
my personal feeling is harvey hilbert has taken a wrong turn and got stuck on some sort of appearance of zen
it's real hard for people to understand that zen is no different from anything else, you can make big mistakes for 15 to 30 years and to look at that needs not to be an
and that most people in zen including all the so called teachers are stuck within this because they are unable to let go their investment and admit error
the ancient masters of old showed no reluctance to enter into discussion, but where are they now? what are they hiding behind and why?
tongue (finger!) tied?
they have no competence having being brought up in some sort of illusion of “grunt zen” that only requires the repeating of clichés
originality and creativity, the surest footprints of buddha are frowned on !
“by their fruits they are known”
plastic flowers are an anathema to buddha !
that's real life experience, not theoretical
btw i really think people don't understand what current cardiovascular research is saying about the thrombotic problems of sitting when you get over 35-40 !
sitting in the cold is adding two problems together !
actually everything is unbounded once you start to see it !
why you and others waste your lives doing some facsimilie of what zen is really about i don't know, you can make any number of claims but they are all stymied by your inability to be yourself in public, which is the real skill of zen practice :‑)
(ed. reply to an arsehole commenter on sweeping zen)
shodo why not put up some calligraphy of something original you have written on the web?
you are trapped in a sort of unpleasant unreal vacancy, you have to do things to get out of it, opinions don't count !
calligraphy just for you !
violent place !
meaning is a fluid moving field
he's really a product of ww2 and imagine if you are a celibate monk and suddenly ww2 comes along with it's chronic man shortage and then the huge losses of young men that japan suffered
he was actively sought for sex and and subtleties of behavior seemed to have escaped him because of the ready availability of women
in america he never outgew that
snow covered
looks surreal to me